DocumentBurster Quality Assurance

March 2014

Can I Test My Reports Before Going Live?

Yes, you can. When dealing with reports and financial documents it is important to have a good quality assurance mechanism.

I’m concerned with sending misdirected mass email.

DocumentBurster‘s quality assurance mechanism is the tool intended to address this concern. Quality assurance should be used for testing, before “going live”, that everything is configured as it should be. When running a test, all report transmissions can be sent via email to a test email address instead of the actual recipients. The emails you receive will include the document(s) as a PDF attachment and the body of the email messages will be the same which the actual recipients are going to receive. Once you are comfortable using DocumentBurster you can “go live” and distribute the reports to the actual recipients.



Quality Assurance allows to test that the output if correct for either

  • All the reports/burst tokens
  • A list of specific reports
  • Some random reports

Testing the configuration usingĀ Quality Assurance is a great way to reduce the risk and increase the confidence before doing mass report distribution.

Quality Assurance mechanism is available starting with DocumentBurster version 6.

Feel free to download DocumentBurster and check for yourself how this software can help your organization.
