DocumentBurster Variables

February 2014

This month we will learn about Variables, a very useful DocumentBurster feature.

DocumentBurster variables have two main use cases:

  1. Configure a personalized email subject/message for each individual recipient
  2. Configure custom file and folder names for the output burst files

1. Configure a personalized email subject/message for each individual recipient

Each of your clients is different so you would like your communication with them to have a personal touch for each one.

Which email would do better?

Please find attached the invoice for the previous month.
Thank you,
My Great Company Inc.


Dear Mary,
Please find attached your invoice for January.
Thank you,
My Great Company Inc.

I would say that the second option is better. Variables can be used to customize email messages exactly like that.

2. Configure custom file and folder names for the output burst files

DocumentBurster takes a big input file (master file) and splits that file into hundreds and sometimes thousands of separate smaller files, one for each customer. Each output file could be named like 1.pdf, 2.pdf,…, 999.pdf but wouldn’t it better to name the output files like AmerTek.pdf, Acme Corporation.pdf or Megacorporation.pdf naming each file the same as the company for which the specific invoice is generated?

Variables can be used to define custom dynamic values for the following configurations

  • Burst File Name
  • Output Folder
  • Backup Folder
  • Quarantine Folder

Using variables it is possible to build an advanced foldering and archiving solution for the output reports. Following different foldering options are possible. Combinations of the following are also possible

  • Generate one different output folder per each input report
  • Generate one different output folder per each different burst token
  • Date related options – generate one output folder per year, financial quarter, month, week in month, day in week and up to the level of hours, minutes and seconds.

If you are not already using variables you should give them a try. Your customers will get personalized email messages and you will archive the financial documents in a more organized way.

Variables can be used with both DocumentBurster version 5 and DocumentBurster version 6.

Feel free to download DocumentBurster and check for yourself how this software can help your organization.
