Following are few case studies which describe how people are using DocumentBurster report distribution software to automatically (and accurately) deliver reports to a large number of recipients.
National University of Health Sciences
National University of Health Sciences uses CAMS Enterprise as its student information system since 2006. The system manages all end of course student evaluation feedback. However, there is no efficient method to provide faculty with their individual course feedback from the system alone. DocumentBurster has allowed NUHS to take the single PDF file containing end of course evaluations for all faculty and courses and individually send to all instructors their individual student feedback at the end of every term in a quick, secure and efficient way.
We make sure the faculty email addresses are embedded into the first page of each evaluation form and DocumentBurster takes care of the rest. As a result, we’re spending a fraction of the time we used to spend to compile and deliver information, which now allows faculty more timely feedback. Quicker feedback allows our faculty the ability to address issues in advance of the start of the next term. It’s a win-win!
Keith W.
Assistant Dean of Students
National University of Health Sciences
The University of Northern Iowa
The University of Northern Iowa – Department of Development and Alumni Relations has identified several different needs for DocumentBuster. We have a weekly report that is emailed to group of about 100 volunteers. Currently the report is run manually for each individual volunteer and then emailed to the volunteer. Our goal is to save the labor involved in manually keying in each volunteer’s id to generate the report, and then manually email the report to the volunteer. In our current state this laborious task is relegated to a once a week occurrence leading to our volunteers having out of date data when they utilize the report.
This is a small application of this product to start with, but there are other processes we have already discovered that may benefit from the capabilities of DocumentBuster. Our Financial Services unit has a report that is generated and emailed to each College Gift Officer on an individual basis. We have reports that are generated for Deans of each College in the University, and we are investigating a move to e-receipting where I could see this product being very instrumental in that process as well.
DocumentBuster does what we need right now, and has many applications for future use.
Emerson L.
Systems Analyst, Department of Development and Alumni Relations
The University of Northern Iowa
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Facilities management is responsible for over 300,00 sq ft of building occupancy, including residential students. Our campus is over 350 acres and providing real-time measures on effectiveness is important. In today’s climate outsourcing, seeking ways to save funds and preserve staffing, it is important to know what resources are efficient and determine SWOT: Stengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats.
Our Enterprise Information System (EIS) uses an open-source reporting tool BiRT which takes some getting use to to create & distribute reports. Reports are snap shots and unless the end-user is well versed in meaning behind the report, it isn’t useful. Comparing reports and creating pivot tables is not available through the reporting tool.
We are hopeful with your product we can leverage the information of our powerful EIS to customize end-user reports with relevance. It would be an opportunity to create a one-stop reporting team who incorporate the campus databases into one set of reporting tools instead of the disconnect we currently experience.
I am the Senior Manager of Information Systems in facilities Management and work with many other IS professionals on campus seeking better ways in extracting data from databases without the use of cumbersome reporting tools.
Marjorie G.
Senior Manager of Information Systems
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University
The Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University has 2000 staff members and 30000 students across two South African cities and six campuses as well as students in twenty foreign countries.
We generate large PDF-based reports in an Oracle-based system called ITS and need to distribute documents to students and staff including statements, registration details, exam timetables and results and other general correspondence.
Currently this is done via printed batches that are separated by a folding machine, but we want to get rid of most of the paper products and go completely electronic.
Bruce S.
Firewall Engineer/DBA, ICT Services
Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University
Southern Business School
We are a registered and accredited South African business school with more than 4000 students, many from previously disadvantaged communities, from across Southern Africa.
We used to print monthly invoices, examination admissions slips, letters, academic records, and other documentation and these were posted to each student. In some cases, individual documents were emailed directly from a database with a MS Access front end, but this is a time-consuming and individualized process. With the postal services not always being very reliable or fast – and very costly, we investigated a number of alternatives.
Ultimately we decided to move all students to Google Apps for Education, thereby providing a reliable ‘home base’ for email delivery. This is now coupled with an Alpha 5 database front-end, which together with Netmailer (optional) and DocumentBurster will provide the necessary platform to email individualized documentation to our student base.
Willem B.
Information Technology Director
Southern Business School
Crossroads School
I have been looking for a tool that will allow me to disseminate grades and other student specific information to students and their families. Documentburster lets me do this while preserving the the look and feel of reports our constituents are used to seeing.
I anticipate significant savings with regard to student mailings. It will be a pleasure not to stuff and post envelopes every quarter!
Mark G.
Director of Technology
Crossroads School
Ludlow Sixth Form College
We have a large amount of data held on our MIS system and we need to distribute a variety of reports to different staff members. We have a linked Access database which we generate things like student reports, tutorial students summaries and attendance registers for special taster or intro days that we run for local schools.
We want to be able to have the destination email address associated with each section of the report and have just that section ‘Bursted’ to the intended recipient. This will save a huge amount of time and paper (our internal paper mail system consists of a man in a van driving between sites twice a day!). This software will help us make the most of the network infrastructure that we have invested heavily in.
Andrew H.
Manager of Information and Planning
Ludlow Sixth Form College
Trinity Lutheran College
We are a large school of 1100 students. Each term we generate academic reports for our students that previously have been printed and mailed home. We will now be making these reports available to parents via our online portal.
To do this, we need to split the generated PDF into individual PDFs for each student which will then be uploaded into our School Administration System and the portal. We plan on using DocumentBurster to do so.
Dan P.
ICT Manager
Trinity Lutheran College
Lyons Township High School
Our student information system creates a PDF (350 pages) of the teacher schedules. We need to email each teacher (350) their schedule for next year.
Sherri B.
Database Administrator
Lyons Township High School
Christ the King Sixth Form College
We have been using DocumentBurster for the last year to collate and distribute school reports. It has saved us hours of sorting and categorizing. A great product!
We have been using DocumentBurster for the last year to distribute yearly reports. Without DocumentBurster the process was much slower and took a considerable amount of man hours. Thank you!
Peter K.
MIS Manager
Christ the King Sixth Form College
Port Washington Union Free School District
Currently using PowerSchool 7. We want to go paperless. BUT, we don’t want to give up our report cards look and feel. PowerSchool generates students Report Cards in to one nice neat PDF. I want to add an email address (or two) on to our current report cards. Have PowerSchool generate one nice PDF that DocumentBurster will split apart in to individual emails and email those individual report cards to the address on each page. This will also be used for simple [news] letters/correspondents.
Mark Gl.
Port Washington Union Free School District
Stillwater Homeschool Group
We are interested in using DocumentBurster to distribute individual student assignment based upon previous accomplishments of those students in a central database for our clients. In addition streamlining our office operations.
Garrey M.
Stillwater Homeschool Group