DocumentBurster 8.8.8 Released

05 Dec 2022

This new version fixed an annoying issue where the Java runtime (used by DocumentBurster) did not release the log files for one or two minutes after the actual report processing was already finished. The result was that the Clear Logs button was not usable and, as a result, no other report processing could be initialed before Java was releasing the log files. This is now fixed.

The new release also includes the option to generate additional debug information for solving possible email sending difficulties.

Debug Email (produces more debug log messages when sending emails)

Feel free to download the new DocumentBurster and let us know what you think about this new release.


or if you need to download the latest DocumentBurster Server

Download DocumentBurster Server


How to Update DocumentBurster

Download the above zip file, extract it to a folder location i.e. C:\DocumentBurster and execute using “Run As Administrator” the newly extracted DocumentBurster.exe

Go to DocumentBurster.exe -> Help & Support -> Install / Setup / Update -> Update tab

DocumentBurster 8.8.5 New Version Available

17 March 2022

With this new version of DocumentBurster the capabilities to configure Delivery Receipt Address and Delivery Receipt Name were graduated from being an ‘Incubating Feature’ and are now ‘Feature Ready for Production’.

Reliable Report Distribution Software

No matter if your organization needs to distribute employee payslips, invoices to customers, student reports or any other enterprise document, DocumentBurster is a reliable software for distributing all these reports automatically.

With the release of DocumentBurster 8.8.5 it is now possible to configure the email address where the Delivery Receipt will be sent along with the previously existing options to configure Reply To and Bounce To Address configurations. Imagine that your company is sending invoices to customers. Wouldn’t you want to be notified when a customer did not receive his invoice? Wouldn’t you want to automate such a scenario so that your organization will get fewer unpaid invoices and will increase revenue with less human effort? This is how Bounce To Address configuration can be used, all bounced emails can be redirected to a specially configured email address for easier management by your employees or, even better, for further automated processing of the bounced invoices.

Feel free to download the new DocumentBurster and let us know what you think about this new release.


or if you need to download the latest DocumentBurster Server

Download DocumentBurster Server


How to Update DocumentBurster

Download the above zip file, extract it to a folder location i.e. C:\DocumentBurster and execute using “Run As Administrator” the newly extracted DocumentBurster.exe

Go to DocumentBurster.exe -> Help & Support -> Install / Setup / Update -> Update tab

New Release – DocumentBurster 8.8.4

22 November 2021

With this release the configurations for Read Receipt Address and Read Receipt Name were graduated from being an ‘Incubating Feature’ and are now ‘Feature Ready for Production’.

SSL Exception’ issue is now completely solved

This release includes a couple of fixes, most notable the annoying ‘SSL Exception’ issue happening when the license key is verified is now completely resolved.

In the last couple of weeks there was a Java update and/or SSL certificate update performed by the hosting provider of which made the previously working (older) installations of DocumentBurster to fail by throwing an ‘SSL Exception’ when the license key is verified. The DocumentBurster 8.8.1 and newer versions alleviate this problem by making the software more resilient when this exception is coming (only a warning message is logged in DocumentBurster 8.8.1 when ‘SSL Exception’ is happening instead of completely stopping the processing as in the older versions of the software).

DocumentBurster 8.8.4 and newer versions completely solve the problem without any ‘SSL Exception’ error and/or warning message being generated anymore.

Feel free to download the new DocumentBurster and let us know what you think about this new release.


or if you need to download the latest DocumentBurster Server

Download DocumentBurster Server


How to Update DocumentBurster

Download the above zip file, extract it to a folder location i.e. C:\DocumentBurster and execute using “Run As Administrator” the newly extracted DocumentBurster.exe

Go to DocumentBurster.exe -> Help & Support -> Install / Setup / Update -> Update tab

DocumentBurster 8.8.0 with Built-in Auto-Update

December 2020

DocumentBurster version 8.8.0 was released today with an easy-to-use (automatic) mechanism to update from previous versions.

This new mechanism helps to (auto) update from older DocumentBurster versions 5, 6, 7 and prior installations of version 8 (it does not work for version 4 and earlier). When pointed to an existing (older) installation folder of DocumentBurster the update flow will identify the existing licensing information, configuration files, scripts and HTML templates and will automatically copy and migrate all files. Until now the DocumentBurster software update was a manual process and this saves the effort to manually reconfigure the software each time when a new version is being released.

How Does It Work

Once you have downloaded the latest version, go to

DocumentBurster.exe -> Help & Support -> Install / Setup / Update -> Update tab

New Version: DocumentBurster 8.4 is now available

Today the new DocumentBurster 8.4 was just released.

Distributing thousands of documents to customers requires to have the confidence that all the documents were reliably sent to the correct recipients. In this new version we added the option to watch in real time, while document distribution is happening, all the logs generated during the bursting process. At the end a new bursting stats section will show on the screen all the details related with the last job processed.

“Real time” logs are displayed while documents are processed.

“Bursting stats” are now displayed at the end of each bursting job.

Feel free to download and let us know what you think about this new release.


or if you need to download the latest DocumentBurster Server

Download DocumentBurster Server

New year comes with a new DocumentBurster 8.3 release

January 2018

DocumentBurster 8.3 was just released. In September 2017 Oracle announced a new Java 9 version. For this release the focus was to certify our software works well with the new Java 9.

With DocumentBurster 8.3 we also fixed an issue happening in the License screen where license activation was failing with an HTTPS/SSL exception on few computers were Java Version 8 (Update 121) was installed.


or if you need to download the latest DocumentBurster Server

Download DocumentBurster Server

DocumentBurster 8.2 Is Now Available

December 2017

After announcing DocumentBurster 8.1 in the last couple of weeks we continued our work and DocumentBurster 8.2 is now available for download.

DocumentBurster needs to send documents as reliably as possible and this is why DocumentBurster 8.2 introduces a new and configurable retry policy. Normally report delivery jobs have only one attempt, that is when they fail, they are marked as a failure, and remain that way until you intervene. Since DocumentBurster 8.2 you can now specify a retry policy, which is important for report delivery jobs such as transferring an email, which upon failure, may usually retry without issue.

Now it is also possible to cancel / pause / resume running jobs something which was not straightforward to do in the past.

Here you can read the full press release which announces DocumentBurster 8.2 availability.


or if you need to download DocumentBurster Server 8.2

Download DocumentBurster Server

New DocumentBurster 8.1 Release

November 2017

There are few months since we last sent an announcement. DocumentBurster is now back with good news.

DocumentBurster 8.1 was just released and in this new version

  1. We continued to fix all the little details with the scope to make the automated report distribution even more reliable
  2. Quality Assurance (QA) mechanism allows verifying (double check), before sending by email lots or reports, that everything is configured the way it should be
  3. Logging / Tracing was overhauled and it’s now straightforward to see and validate that each report was sent to the correct recipient
  4. User Interface (UI) was greatly simplified with the scope to make the software very easy to use

Upgrading to version 8.1 is easy. If required please don’t hesitate to send us an email and ask for help


or if you need to download DocumentBurster Server 8.1 here it is

Download DocumentBurster Server

Beautiful Responsive Emails

February 2016

DocumentBurster 7.4 was just released with an easy and powerful mechanism to send Beautiful Responsive Emails.

Mobile, WebMail and Desktop Trends

We tracked nearly 1 billion emails every month throughout 2015.

In the second half of 2015, opens made on mobile devices surged, going from 49% in June to 54% in November—a 10% increase. This matches trends we’ve seen in prior years where consumers are more likely to rely on portable devices. Webmail and desktop opens have also steadily declined throughout 2015, each dropping 13% since January.

Responsive Email Templates

Designing responsive HTML emails can be hard. DocumentBurster™ makes it easy.

DocumentBurster™ comes with Foundation for Emails which is a simple framework to quickly create responsive HTML emails that work on any device and any client.

There are four responsive email templates available in ./templates/html-mobile-responsive-emails/templates/base

All four email templates have been tested across 40+ email clients and devices.

I hope you will enjoy using the the new DocumentBurster. Don’t hesitate to contact us for any help you would need.


New Version 7.3 with SMS capability

January 2016

Happy New Year to all DocumentBurster users!

A new version of DocumentBurster (v7.3) was released recently. Along with various improvements and bug fixes this version also brings a brand new SMS message distribution capability.

Sometime back I run a customer poll with how useful a feature like SMS message distribution would be for DocumentBurster. I was actually surprised by the high number of replies I got asking to put SMS message distribution into DocumentBurster. I am happy to announce it’s now possible to send SMS messages like that to your customers.

Dear $var0$ (Customer Name),
We’ve emailed the $var1$ (June) invoice to $var2$ (
Thank You for your business!
Your Name,
Your Company Name

With an average SMS open rate of 99% I can understand why sending SMS messages was such a requested feature. Here it is!

DocumentBurster SMS Menu

DocumentBurster SMS Message

I hope you will enjoy using the the new DocumentBurster. Don’t hesitate to contact us for any help you would need.
