Payment Options Help - Ways to Make a Payment

For your convenience, it is possible to use the following alternative payment methods when purchasing DocumentBurster:

  • Using PayPal, pay with your debit or credit card. This would be the fastest and the most convenient way to purchase DocumentBurster
  • Instant Transfer - If you are in U.S., it is possible to purchase DocumentBurster by making an Instant Transfer using your U.S. bank account. For more details about this payment method, please read the following PayPal help entry - How do I send an Instant Transfer using my U.S. bank account?
  • Bank/Wire Transfer - It is possible to purchase DocumentBurster through direct bank transfer. Please send us an email and we will shortly reply with the bank account details required for doing the payment

Paypal and sales address:

PayPal - Why Was My Credit Card Denied?

Sometimes, on rare occasions, PayPal might reject a credit card. There are a few reasons why your credit card payment didn’t go through. For more details, please read the following PayPal help entries: